Addington School

Work Ready Days and Job Safari


From KS3 upwards our students have the opportunity to take part in work ready and job safari days. Both of these are designed to give our students the opportunity to get a real insight into the world of work and the different types of jobs people do before they start their individual work experience. Both are very interactive and help our young people gain a real insight to some of the jobs they might like to do as well as valuable work skills for when they leave school. Both these opportunities can involve the whole class and everyone has an opportunity to get involved.



Work ready days take place at an employer site. Our students will go usually in their class group and spend either a day or half day at an employer site learning about the company, the industry, the different jobs people do there and they also have the opportunity to try out a few of those jobs too. We take our students to places like the fire station (Maidenhead), Microsoft, MERL, Pizza Express, to name a few!

Job safari days take place in school. They involve between 4-6 employers coming into school and running sessions with class groups on a rotation basis. This is a really fun and engaging day for our students.



Our job safari and work ready day programme ensures that our students have a real insight into a range of different employers and jobs and this can help to inform some of their work experience choices as well as helps them to start thinking about jobs they might like to do in the future.