Addington School


Addington Outreach and Inclusion Service

Commissioned by Wokingham BC

AOIS provide specialist support to mainstream schools in the Wokingham Borough, to enable pupils, identified as having SEND to make progress in their learning, communication and social skills.


AOIS support the reduction of any anxieties and inappropriate behaviour which act as a barrier to learning.   

What We Do...

Who We Help...

AOIS support to pupils with special needs, where learning difficulty is the primary need.


AOIS Support is available for children in Primary and Secondary School Settings, aged 4 to 18.


We have extended our service to offer support to pupils where ASD is the primary need with or without learning difficulty.


Scroll the menu tabs on the left hand side of the screen to see what we offer



Contact AOIS




0118 966 9073

(option 3, ext. 274)

The service is manned Monday to Thursday, Term time only

Outreach Lead: Catherine Hand, Addington School Outreach Teacher