Addington School



Computing at Addington


Increasingly, society is becoming more dependent on interaction with the digital world and we are surrounded by technology which is fully integrated in our daily lives. From mobile phones to the Internet of Things (such as a smart thermostats or light switches) these technologies are embedded into essential day-to-day activities and our pupils will need to equipped with the skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of this.

Skills in computing develop communication, problem solving, and independence and eventually provide the essential tools to participate in the modern workplace at all levels. At Addington we provide the students with the essential knowledge to leave school and to be able to interact with the demands of a computing driven world.

For some pupils, technology can enable communication for example using Alternative Augmented Communication (AAC) devices or using functions such as voice to text or dictation. All pupils where necessary will have access to appropriate AAC devices and support to use these independently and across a variety of contexts.

We work with local organisations to ensure that our students are gaining the necessary skills needed for our local employers. We have a close working relationship with our supported internship providers to find out what computing systems are essential for the workplace. We work with local businesses to inform industry around accessibility needs of our learners.

In a fast paced digital world, Computing at Addington exemplifies the way in which teachers and leads strive to ensure that our curriculum is relevant to the needs and outcomes of learners. 


The Computing curriculum is delivered through a hybrid of cross curricular approaches and direct subject teaching specific to year groups. Technology is embedded across all curriculum areas across the school.


In Early Years areas of study include: Everyday technology, Apps and games, Key skills, View and take videos and photographs, eBooks, Maths, Online Safety. Computing is taught through exploration and interaction where appropriate

In Key stage 2 and 3 areas of study include: as EY plus digital art, What is the internet?, digital sound and music, posters and presentations, Working with Text, Animation, Entry to algorithms, Entry to simple programs. Pupils who are ready, will engage in discreet computing lessons and have access to the ICT suite and a wide range of computing resources. 

As pupils progress into Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form areas of study include: As KS2 and KS3 with increasing depth of knowledge and understanding and generalising and applying their skills to work related learning and an intrinsic part of their learning across all areas of the curriculum. Some pupils will have the opportunity to complete a Functional Skills ICT qualification.

Online safety is embedded throughout the curriculum and also taught through PSHE strands throughout the school.

Whole School opportunities are available to further develop, embed and generalise skills learnt such as, but not limited to: Addington radio show, Proms week and Everyday interactions with classroom technology


Pupils will make progress and build on their skills throughout their time at Addington in a systematic and sequential way having had opportunities to study a relevant and adapted Computing National Curriculum. Pupils will be able to keep themselves safe in a variety of online environments. Pupils will have access to and confidently and independently use Alternative Augmented Communication devices to the best of their ability. Pupils will have transferrable computing skills to ready them for work and life after Addington by preparing them for the Connected Digital World.