Addington School

Forest School

Forest school is based more on the process of learning than it is on the content – more on the how than the what. These can be set up as child led activities, group work, or 1:1 co-adventurer tasks, all with hands on experience and outcomes discovered by the child.

We believe in the philosophy which underpins Forest School, to:

  • promote self-esteem which will enable more effective learning as they take ownership of their learning and develop confidence to have a go and learn from their mistakes
  • support our pupils at Addington School to grow into happy, secure, fulfilled, accountable, responsible citizens, contributing positively to their community
  •  encourage and inspire children to develop their personal, social and emotional skills through participation in tasks and activities which are motivating and achievable
  • to encourage them to play, investigate, test and maintain curiosity in the world around them


At Addington school, we are proud to introduce the Forest School approach. We are lucky to be geographically situated next to a large nature reserve that is within a short walk from our school site. We look forward to using these woodlands, to offer a unique teaching and learning experience in an ever-changing environment, capturing children’s curiosity, stimulating their senses, building their self-confidence and nurturing their well-being. Opportunities abound to explore and enquire, developing language and reasoning skills, independence and perseverance. We are also lucky to be able to do Forest School activities within Camp Mohawk. The centre provides vast woodland for children to explore and take part in forest school, while also being in a secure environment.