Process and Timescales
Targeted support for a specific individual pupil follows this basic framework...
- Application is submitted to AOIS via the form above
- AOIS will review and contact you within 10 working days**
- 3 visits for the pupil will be arranged roughly 4-6 weeks apart
- Visit 1 - 90mins - for initial observations of the pupil and setting and discussions with staff
- A report will be made and shared with you including recommendations on strategies to use
- Visit 2 - 60 mins - further observations will be made and more discussions with staff to see if there has been any impact using the new strategies
- The report will be updated and shared with you including any changes to the strategies being used
- Visit 3 - 60 mins - further observations will be made (if required) and more discussions with staff where the full impact of the new strategies and techniques will be evaluated.
- The final report will be issued with any additional strategies or signposting to further services if required.
- The referral is complete
**If the referral does not proceed at this point the reasons will be discussed with you and we will signpost to alternative support measures