Addington School

Duke of Edinburgh at Addington                     

We run both Bronze and Silver D of E. The D of E course enables our students to broaden their horizons and develop skills and attributes such as: self management, team work, leadership, commitment, communication, confidence, resilience and a positive attitude to work and the environment. These are all key skills they will need to demonstrate when seeking and sustaining employment. We have put together a bespoke programme for both Bronze and Silver D of E at Addington.  Bronze and Silver students have a dedicated lesson for an hour and half every Thursday to practise their expedition skills. With support from home, they are required to do a physical activity, learn a skill and volunteer for a non profit organisation. We support parents and students in achieving this goal. 


Bronze students practising for their expedition.


 Key Expedition skills that we practise:

  • Walking a route navigating with photos, instructions and maps
  • Basic first aid
  • Tent Building 
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Campsite craft
    • Cooking on a camping stove (Bronze & Silver)
    • Starting and extinguishing a BBQ safely & cooking on it (Silver)


Campsite skills

Fire Lighting and camp stove set-up, use and pack away.

D of E  - Resources

Bronze and Silver student have a dedicated lesson for an hour and half every Thursday to practise their skills.  Here are resources for some of the expedition skills that we cover:

Tent Building Skills

Camping stove skills

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