Addington School


In drama there are 5 key areas of development;


o collaboration

o exploring and making drama

o performance skills

o relating to drama

o knowledge and understanding. 


Drama is taught in KS3, KS4 and KS5 by a specialist drama teacher. 

In other Key Stages, drama is an activity which is embedded into topic work. 

There are also many drama activities that take place throughout year; theatre trips, drama club and school productions. 

KS3 Drama Overview

Drama is delivered as a discrete timetabled subject in Key Stage 3. 

Drama at Key Stage 3 has an important role to play in the personal, social and emotional development of students.

The personal skills and qualities developed by students in drama lessons, such as teamwork, creativity, respect for other opinions, empathy, leadership and risk-taking, are all invaluable skills which support home life, social life and, importantly, life at work.

Key Stage 4 and 5 

The Creative Arts Pathway is the creative curriculum for Key Stage 4 and 5. 

The aims of the Creative Arts Pathway are:


o To further extend student skills within the arts through specialist lessons with give broaden experiences and techniques

o To give students the opportunity to explore their interests in the arts

o To give students the ability to continue creative interests into adulthood.

o For all students to complete Arts Award Bronze and some to complete Arts Award Silver.

The Wonky Veg Theatre Company is our in-house theatre group that perform a piece of theatre each year.

Students gain an arts award accreditation. 

Students are involved in all aspects of running a theatre company: performing, technical, backstage, marketing and front of house.

This makes links to the Upper School Curriculum Pathway, preparing students for employment and providing them with skills so that they are work ready.

Wonky Veg Theatre

Company Performances 

July 2022

Woodley At War 

A community drama project where students devised a piece of theatre about Woodley during World War 2.


March 2023


A devised performance based on Shakespeare's Hamlet set in the 1980's gaming world. 

The Wonky Veg Theatre Company performed at South Hill Park Arts Centre in Bracknell as part of the Shakespeare School Festival on Tuesday 14th March 2023. 

The company will be performing the show to students at Addington School and a local primary school in the summer term. 


School Productions 

April 2024

Wizard of Oz

Whole School Production

We’re off to see the Wizard! 
Addington School presents our unique version of this timeless classic. 
One day a storm hits Reading and transports Dotty and her best friend Toto to the magical land of Oz.  
Following the Yellow Brick Road, they meet friends along the way, developing new skills and gaining the courage to defeat the Wicked Witch! 
Dotty clicks her heels together three times and finds that all she needed was a little self- belief and support from her friends. 
We hope you enjoy our adventure over the rainbow!


If you would like more information you can contact the Creative Arts team via the school’s telephone number or by email at m-ca@addington.wokingham.sch.uk

Addington School are proud to an Artsmark Champion and hold a Artsmark Platinum Award.

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Last update: 2024-07-08