Addington School

Car Parking


Main Site

There is very limited car parking available and we would ask all parents and carers for their continued support in the management of parking during drop off and collection.  This is a link to a Car Parking Quick Guide and further details are given below:


  1. Only parents who have been issued a Parking Pass can park on-site during drop off and pick up times. Those who have been issued passes must display them clearly on their windscreen, to enable the site team to manage the car park effectively and safely.
  2. Unfortunately at busy times we do not have enough parking spaces onsite for all parents with passes: please work with our staff as they manage these situations as efficiently as possible, this may involve being asked to wait or complete a circuit of the car park to ensure the car park flow is not disrupted.


Leaving parking spaces promptly - To support the process at the start and end of the day to run smoothly, please can I ask that all parents and carers vacate parking spaces in either of the car parks as soon as possible to allow other parents access to the space. If you need to have a discussion with the teacher, please arrange a time to meet in person or have a telephone conversation to free up a parking space as soon as possible.


Our car park is extremely busy and is definitely over capacity at drop off and pick up times. We are working with our governors to see if we have any other options to reduce pressure.


Bulmershe Leisure Centre Car Park 


This car park is monitored by an attendant. We have negotiated a 30 minute period for our parents to use the car park to drop off and pick up from Addington at the start and end of the day.


Following some concerns raised by parents, we have been in contact with the Leisure Centre to ask them to remind their customers that parents of pupils at Addington School are allowed to park in the Leisure Centre Car Park. The Leisure Centre management were apologetic and agreed to actively monitor the car park.