Addington School

Maths - Adventurers WB 22.02.21 TIME lesson 1


This week we will be learning about days of the week.

There are 3 activities to choose from.  Activity A is the easiest, Activity B is medium, Activity C is the hardest


Activity A

Print out the days of the week sheet and cut and stick the days in the right order, starting with Monday at the top.  You can sing the days of the week song to check you have got them in the right order. 

Activity B

First, print out the days of the week sheet and cut and stick the days in the right order, starting with Monday at the top.

Next, play the zebra game by clicking on the picture below.  You will need to practise putting the days of the week in the right order, starting from different days and thinking about which day comes before and after.

Image result for days of the week online games ks1 zebra

Activity C

Make a yesterday, today, tomorrow rainbow days of the week wheel

Print out and follow the instructions on the rainbow days of the week wheel - it is a good idea to glue it onto some card or laminate it to make it stronger. 

Next find 3 pegs - wooden ones are best.   Write on them yesterday, today, tomorrow.  Each day this week attach your 3 pegs to the correct days. 


 A B Days of the week.pdfDownload
 C Rainbow days of the week wheel.pdfDownload
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