Addington School

Welcome to Oak Class!

Our teachers are Jo and Yvonne






Our teaching assistant is Linda













 Our Learning Support Assistants are Reema, Ivy and Alina

Please see the timetable and our termly topics below


Termly Topics:

Autumn Term 1 topic: Dinosaur Roar

Autumn Term 2 topic: Potions and Mess

Spring Term 1 and 2 topic:  Starry Night 

Summer Term 1 and 2 topic: Are we There Yet? (Transport)


Monday: PE (named kit required)

Tuesday: swimming/outdoor learning (named kit required)

Wednesday: Music 


Please don't hesitate to write any questions or queries oakclass@addington.wokingham.sch.uk

We make sure these are checked regularly so will be able to reply to messages as soon as possible