Explore - Explorers - activity 16
Bug Hotel
Have a look in your garden or outside space, what bugs live there? Are there lots of bugs or only a few?
Let’s make a Bug Hotel and see how many bugs visit!
What might you need to make a bug Hotel? Here are some idea:
- Cardboard boxes or rolls
- Plastic bottles
- Egg cartons
- String
- Glue
- Scissors
To make the hotel inviting for the bugs you might need to collect some materials from outside such as:
- Leaves
- Moss
- Bark
- Stones
- Sticks
Now you have all your resources you can make your bug hotel. Use the images below for some inspiration.
Once you have made your bug hotel you need to find a place to put it. Think about where the bugs might like to go such as under a tree or bush. Can you think of a name for your bug Hotel?
Now your bug Hotel is ready for visitors! Who do you think might visit? Linked below are some information cards to help you earn more about some of your visitors.