Addington School

Sensory Music Journey - Hot Air Balloon Ride


Enjoy this musical journey across the world. Here are some props and activity ideas so that you can join in:


Song 1 - Hot Air Balloon

Learning objective: to copy simple movements and explore linking movements and sound

Fabric/blankets to wave around while we fly through the air in our Hot Air Balloon. You could also use an electric fan or a paper fan as the rushing wind in the skies! This song repeats throughout the journey, as segue between activities.

Song 2 - Elephant March

Learning objective: to develop awareness of changing tempos

Use a homemade drum (pots and pans will do) or a real drum if you have one, and a wooden spoon as a beater. Can your child tap along with the music? Can they get faster as the music's tempo increases? Alternatively, you can turn this into a sensory experience by tapping on your child's chair in time with the music, so they can feel the rhythms.

Song 3 - The Canoe Song

Learning objective: to copy simple movements and explore linking movements and sound

Use a wooden spoon to 'paddle' through the water in your canoe! You could also fill a tray with water and enjoy some water play during this song. Can you splash in time with the music?

Song 4 - Big Foot Country

Learning objective: to develop awareness of changing dynamics in music, to start and stop sounds intentionally, and to follow simple musical structure

Using your drum from earlier, can your child play quietly and loudly with the music, or stop and start their playing, responding to the dynamic changes? Can they respond if you do this with them?