Addington School

My Family & My Home 


Activity 1: Who is in your family? 

Create a house or a family tree and add your family. You could use photos or draw. 

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Who lives inside your home? 

Which family members live in a different home?    (you could represent them in different houses too) 

How many people are in your family? 

Who is the oldest/ youngest? 

What are Mummy and Daddy's names?

Are there any pets in your family?

Skills & Related Follow Up Activities 

Can you:

  • Recognise each member of the family by pointing to them when their name is said?
  • Gain attention by using someone's name? 
  • Copy/write the letters in your name?
  • Spell using magnetic letters or write  family names such as : Mum Dad Nan etc ?
  • Copy the letters to write the names of the people in your family?
  • Talk about an experience or event you did that was fun with someone of your family? You could look at photos to recall memories. 

Activity 2: Make a House Diagram or Shoe Box diorama 


  • Decide which rooms you will have on your diagram/ diorama
  • Cut out some pictures of furniture from magazine, catalogues, pictures attached below or your down drawings
  • Stick the pictures in the space allocated for each room 
  • What else could you add? Use collage materials for wallpaper, soft furnishings. 
  • Who could you add? What about adding some stick puppets to represent each family member (and pets!) inside the home. 




Point to  your favourite room?

Why is this your favourite room?

How many rooms do you have in your home?

Which room can I find the ... in?

Look around the house- what else can we add to the diagram?


Can you:

  • Name or point to different pieces of furniture and object around the house?
  • Recognise where things belong in the house?
  • Practice holding scissors safely - with and without support ?
  • Stick things, using the glue safely and with increasing control and co-ordination?
  • Label the items in the house. You could write the initial sound for each word or write the whole word. 
  • Act out small world play using stick puppets to represent each member of your family? 

Follow Up & Related Activities 

  • Game: Collect a range of items from around the house. Can you remember where all these items belong? How quick can you tidy up the items and return the items to their correct room? 


 Where Does it Go Home Sorting Activity Board - A4.pdfDownload
 Where Does it Go Home Sorting Activity Board - Sorting Cards.pdfDownload
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Last update: 2021-01-14