Addington School

Creative - Explorers - Rain Maker 


Hello Everyone!


Megan will be making a rain maker in the video below. There are also some activities for you to have a go at afterwards. Enjoy!


Step 1: Watch Megan's video on how to make a rain maker 


Step 2: Read and follow the instructions on how to make your own rain maker at home! 


Step 3: Have a go at completing the activity sheets. Giving children the option to choose different coloured pencils / crayons etc. will really support their colour recognition! 


Step 4: Does your completed rain maker sound like rain? Listen to these sounds to test it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QneqUhCVtU 

Another way to copy the sound of the rain is to play with non-cooked rice on a tray or in a bowl. It would be great to see your videos!

 Rain Maker instructions.docxDownload
 Umbrella activity sheet.pdfDownload
 Umbrella colouring sheet.pdfDownload
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Last update: 2021-01-07