Addington School

Creative - Explorers - Activity 12

 Cloud Art

Look outside and see what shapes the clouds are making. Can you make some clouds like the ones you can see outside?


What materials do you have around your home to make some cloud art?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Cotton wool,
  • Toilet paper/kitchen roll,
  • Cotton pads,
  • Tissue paper,
  • White wool.

What you will need to do:

  1. Draw the shape of your cloud on a piece of paper.
  2. Cut out the cloud shape of ask somebody in your family to help.
  3. Use the materials you have found around your home to stick onto the paper using glue.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to use these materials you can create shapes in shaving foam or you can make some cornflour slime (mix water in with cornflour until you reach the desired consistency).


What other clouds can you make? Can you make a rain cloud or a rainbow cloud. You can use some of the same materials as above or you can use paint or pencils to create your art.  See the pictures for some ideas.

Cloud Dough

Why don’t you make your own cloud dough to make different shaped clouds.

What you will need:

  • 2 cups of cornflour
  • 1 cup hair conditioner
  • Food colouring if desired.

To make your cloud dough simply mix the cornflour and hair conditioner together in a bowl. Then add a few drops of your food colouring and knead all ingredients together. If the mixture feels a bit sticky add a little more cornflour.

You can now have lots of fun playing with your cloud dough!

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Last update: 2020-11-23