Addington School

Who lives in a house like this? Campervan Trip!

Come along on this journey traveling in a campervan while we explore different types of houses



This is a sensory activity based on the combination of different rhythms and objects. The person leading the activity would use the objects to apply firm pressure on the receivers following the instructions given. During this activity we focus on the receivers reactions and try to make them aware of their body. 

Items needed: Ball, Nailbrush, Twig, Paintbrush, Chain and Relaxing lotion. 

 Who lives in a house like this - TacPac.pdfDownload
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 Campervan Trip

With this Sensory Story, the students  will be traveling in a campervan and exploring different type of houses along their journey.  The story can be enjoyed weekly to help student's anticipate what will happen next as they increase their understanding. 

Touch Talk Stories

It is a well-being approach for children, which reduces anxiety, teaches relaxation and the understanding of emotions. It offers a technique to support pupils in helping them to calm and settle which can lead to improvements in concentration and learning.

Touch  ----   Is the massage routine/sequence

Talk     ----   Is the story, poem, song, etc. which is used as a basis to which the massage strokes link

 Camper van touch talk.pptxDownload
 My Treehouse Touch Talk.pptxDownload
 The lighthouse Touch Talk.pptxDownload
 The Old Farmers Song Touch Talk.pptxDownload
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Sensology Stories. Waking up the senses

Sensology is an educational approach devised by Flo Longhorn emphasizing sensory stimulation. It covers the five basic senses (see, hear, touch, smell, taste) but also the movement related sensory systems: the vestibular (balance, head movements and gravity) and the proprioceptive (body positions, body mapping and planning movements). In a Sensology workout, these senses are literally given a warm-up.

Every story has its own instructions to follow

 Castle Sensology story..docxDownload
 Farm Sensology.docxDownload
 Home Sensology.docxDownload
 I'd Like A Treehouse.docxDownload
 Over The River Sensology.docxDownload
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Fun Activities!

Sensory Trays - Games - Messy Play - Arts & Craft

 Canal Boat.pptxDownload
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