Addington School

Creative - The Last Night in the Nursery

Here is the first immersive theatre we did at Addington. The performance is based upon the scene from ‘Peter Pan’ where the Darling children are going to bed. It explores different sensory experiences the children have going bed with soft and gentle materials and the feeling of being warm. There is also a repeating lullaby song too. See the descriptions below to see what props we used in school or suggestions of things you could do at home.

Welcome song - We used the scent of lavender to smell and warm blankets as the signifier.

Soft and Gentle - We used soft cotton balls to explore the sense of touch on their skin. Soft touches and long strokes along the arms work well. They also had the opportunity to try a marshmallow (vegan marshmallows are available to purchase). You call also try feathers and cuddle soft toys if you wish.

Time for Bed – All the lights were dimmed for this song. We used foil (space blanket – something that’s reflective) scrunched up in a crystal styled bowl, an alarm clock and a torch. Students (with support if needed) to shine the torch light upon the reflective materials (representing the moon). The alarm clock swayed side to side with the music. During our sessions, students were given opportunities to sing or vocalise to the song too.

Warm and Cosy – We used heat packs (disposable or microwavable ones would work) or you could use a hot water bottle. We also used cocoa powder to smell (representing hot chocolate) or you could use small pieces of chocolate to taste. One class enjoyed moving and dancing to the music and this played out to Mr Darling coming in to stop the fun which the students found amusing.

Goodbye song - End of the session.

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Last update: 2022-01-11