Addington School

Story - Adventurers - activity 4

Watch one of Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes - Cinderella. The complete the tasks. 


Please see the 'Help Guides' on the title page for 'Story' for help with instructions for story maps and shared writing.

The tasks get harder from A-C so only complete the tasks that your child is able to do. 

A. Look at Suzanne’s story map and re-tell the story together.

B. Make your own story map together and re- tell the story.

C. Make a few changes – maybe a different character or different place- add a post-it with your new pictures over your existing story map pictures. Then re- tell your ‘new’ story.

Challenge Task:

Read the first part of the Cinderella 'Revolting Rhyme' and highlight the rhyming words. Then, try and create your own revolting rhyme!

 Blank Story map for pupilsto fill in pdf.pdfDownload
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