Addington School

Maths - Adventurers - activity 10 - Yummy Maths


 First, a warm up.

Call out the number you see - click on the image below to play the game.

Subitising - YouTube


Now choose an activity to print out.


Activity 1 - Fruity clip cards.  You will need to find some clothes pegs for this activity.  Clip a peg onto the correct number for each card. 

Activity 2 - Counting vegetables

Activity 3 - Fruit salad addition - up to 20

Activity 4 - Addition colour by number to 20 or 50


 Activity 1 Counting-Clip-Cards pdf.pdfDownload
 Activity 2 counting veg.pdfDownload
 Activity 3 addition to 20.pdfDownload
 Activity 4 - addition colour by number to 20.pdfDownload
 Activity 4 - addition colour by number to 50.pdfDownload
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