Addington School

Explore - Adventurers - activity 13 - Banana Messages


This activity is all about bananas.


You will need:

  • a ripe banana
  • a cocktail stick


1.  Using a cocktail stick, draw a picture or write a message on your banana peel.

2.  At first it will be difficult to see 

3.  Wait a few minutes - what can you see now?

4.  Look at your banana again about an hour later.

Come Together Kids: Magic Message Bananas  Cafeteria Worker Writes Notes For Students On Bananas



You can print out instructions for this experiment below.

There are also 2 more investigations if you would like to learn more about bananas. 

Activity 2 is a bit more challenging, and activity 3 is the most challenging. 

 1_ Banana Message instructions.pdfDownload
 2_ Which banana will ripen first.pdfDownload
 3_ Banana Ice-Lollies.pdfDownload
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