Addington School

Creative - Adventurers - Body Percussion Session 5

Rhythm Activity: Top of the World

This week we are learning some new rhythms that include a bit of a challenge!  Have a look at the video below to learn the rhythms so you are ready to play them with music

Now you know the rhythms join in with Rhona and play them along to Top of the World, by Imagine Dragons.

This weeks rhythms are a good challenge, so here are the rhythms for you to practise!

 on top of the world rhythms.pngDownload
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Here is the original song for you to listen to and enjoy! The video is the bands own version of the moon landings!

Challenge - Hall of the Mountain King

We started this last week - can you remember the rhythms and this week put them with the piece of music?  Join in with the video below!

Here is a preview of how this piece progresses.  As we will be moving back to school next week i thought i would include it this week.  See if you can keep up!  The session below would be the final session of 6 with this piece!

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