Proms Week A reminder that Proms week is next week 27/6 - 1/7. Parents should have received an e mail for each performance that your child is involved in.
Our Community Links page has updates Our Community Links page has updates and includes information from Promise Inclusion and from Spice Jets who teach children and young people with additional needs to play ice hockey
Our Community Links page has been updated Our Community Links page has been updated and includes information about SEND basketball, a carers event and a Promise Inclusion AGM.
Our Community links page has updates Our Community links page has been updated and includes information about half term sports camps, an exhibition from Disabled Living and more.
FestForAll - Saturday 16th July 2022 Please see attached flyer for information about our FestForAll, an inclusive festival, being held on Saturday 16th July.
Please Support Addington Association Please see attached flyer for a reminder about a number of easy ways you can help to support Addington Association.
Our Community Links page has been updated Our Community Links page has been updated and includes from Reading Families Forum and Promise Inclusion as well as a reminder about SEND cricket sessions.
New Chick Live Stream We have some new eggs at Addington and they're about to hatch!