Our Gallery pages have been updated Our Gallery pages have been updated with photos from the Children in Need and Rett Awareness dressing up days and the official opening of the sixth form building.
Vidcast and Message from Creative Arts Team The latest VidCast from the Creative Arts Team is now available and they have sent a message asking families to send in videos and photos to be included in their next VidCast.
Please support the Addington School Association Please see message below from Addington Association asking for help in obtaining donations when using online sites in the run up to Christmas and also Black Friday.
Parent online courses Information about an ADHD and Demand Avoidance Course has been added to our Local Info and Events page.
Our Local Information and Events page has updates Our local information and events page has been updated and includes information about online courses for parents, including managing anxiety and behaviour.
TRAFFIC LIGHT PROBLEM OUTSIDE SCHOOL The traffic lights on Woodlands Avenue outside of school are stuck on red both ways. Please drive safely and be aware that this is an issue.
BUSINESS ENTERPRISE - CHRISTMAS PET BAUBLES Our latest Business Enterprise project is making and selling Christmas pet baubles. They are available in 4 different ways - empty, empty personalised, full and full personalised. They are available on a first come first served basis.